

No matter what time of year, look at your home with a critical eye as if you were the buyer. Do what needs to be done to show your property at its very best and to make it sparkle!

Checklist to Help Sell Your Property:

  • Be certain your home is neat and excess furniture is removed.
  • Be sure bathrooms and kitchens are clean and fresh smelling.
  • Check yard and entryways for neatness.
  • Open drapes and make sure that windows are clean.
  • Replace dim light bulbs and make sure fixtures are clean.
  • Attend to sticky doors, loose doorknobs, damaged screens, and loose handrails.
  • Clean or remove rugs. Refinish floors.
  • Repair appliances, kitchen and bathroom fixtures.
  • Straighten up closets and storage areas.
  • Replace any items, such as chandeliers, which will not be remaining with the property.
  • Keep lawns and shrubbery trimmed.
  • Set the lighting to create a warm atmosphere especially on dark days or evenings.
  • Paint and/or wallpaper in neutral colors.
  • If possible, have pets either away from your home or confined.

I can provide you with specific recommendations to help make your home look its best when you put it on the market for sale. But that's not all - let's look at how I plan to help you accomplish your objectives - to obtain the best price and most attractive terms for your property in the least amount of time and minimal inconvenience:

  • Analyzing current trends in the marketplace as well as market supply and demand
  • Sharing current buyer behavior and perception of value
  • Creating a pricing strategy with you
  • Customizing a marketing plan for your property
  • Educating you on ways to add value to your property before it's placed on the market
  • Providing consistent feedback on showings, trends, and changes in inventory throughout the listing period
  • Negotiating offers on your behalf to obtain the best situation for your specific needs
  • Overseeing the contingency process and, if necessary, negotiating any unanticipated issues
  • Assisting your buyer, if necessary, with financing and any other arrangements to ensure a smooth closing for you
  • Accounting for the collection of deposit monies

Supporting you right through to closing and beyond - we understand the process is not complete until you have received your full payment, the deed is delivered and the buyer has taken possession of the property

Do You Know How Much Your House Is Worth? Let Me Help You!